In return, TAG TEAM Marketing covers an extensive range of Marketer and customer support services and provides you with state-of-the-art business building tools. This allows you to focus on building your TAG TEAM Marketing business.
Below are some of the products and services that TAG TEAM Marketing will provide at no additional charge to you:
We will ship you a marketing kit which contains printed materials that can help you get your TAG TEAM Marketing business off to a great start, including:
* Certain training is limited to TAG TEAM Marketers who have earned specific positions. We also offer additional, optional paid training events and conventions.
Apply to become a part of TAG TEAM Marketing's elite marketing team. If approved, sign up and receive priceless marketer-only training. Work together with other TAG TEAM Marketers all over the United States to invite Black people to become Citizens of Garvey Nation.
"Always consider cost before you go into anything and in figuring out the cost, be sure that there is a margin of profit before you do the thing, otherwise it is not worth while doing."